Nascar Cup Series

Nascar Cup Series
Nascar Cup Series

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Results From Charlotte - Bank of America 500

   Ok the results are in, Brian is officially on the ropes as we now have 5 races to go.  Now down to 39 points, Gary is smelling the fear.  The race that was Charlotte, saw some interesting happenings.  Brad Keselowski used his car as a weapon of mass destruction and tried to get even with everyone who had wronged him over the years on the cooldown lap and in the pits, and then even to the garage.  Unfortunately, I, who do like Brads driving abilities, cannot even defend him here.  He tried to block Kenseth on a restart and when he ran him into the wall and his car got hurt too, he got mad.  Don't know what happened between him and Hamlin, but Keselowski could've seriously hurt someone the way he drove in the garage area trying to get to Hamlin.  I thought he would've been parked for the rest of the season, but Nascar screwed this one up.
   James and Mark with a good battle for who will finish in the 3rd and final money spot.  As I am falling so far back, I am almost caught up to Colleen.
   In the half pool, John still holds a slim lead over me, as Debbie keeps climbing back up.
Good luck to everyone here in Talladega today, and may Keselowski not kill your favorite driver today too!

Paul !

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