Nascar Cup Series

Nascar Cup Series
Nascar Cup Series

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Results From Martinsville - STP 500

   Breaking News!!! Deflate-Gate 2015 hits Colleen Paul in the old points standings.  Ryan Newman was docked 75 points as Nascar found Newman's team to be drilling small holes in the tires so that as air pressure built up as a green flag run went on, air would escape, and therefore, create more grip which in turn created a faster car.  How long has this gone on I wonder?  Newman... second place last year in the points standings. I mean wow, there should be an asterisk next to his name now.  How long has he been juicing?? Oh wait, that's another sport.  Well, with the penalty (which his team is appealing) Colleen drops a spot behind John, but yet still ahead of Gary.  James continues his hot streak, and Mark with a big week moves ahead of moi into second.
   In the half pool, I had picked Hamlin, but there were definitely more losers than winners this week. That's short track racing for ya!
  Happy Easter to all, and enjoy next week's race!

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