Nascar Cup Series

Nascar Cup Series
Nascar Cup Series

Friday, December 13, 2019

Results From Homestead - Ford EcoBoost 400

   Well Nascar fans, after computer glitches and in between holidays, here we are.  Finally, the results are in, and congratulations to James.  You hung in there despite complaining about your team, and maybe a first..... you actually hung in there from the drop of the second half and didn't finish last!?! Congrats to Colleen for finishing 2nd, and me for third!
   The half pool had it's usual last race theatrics, the Sandman cashes and cannot complain about making donations this year. Debbie and Brian rounded out 3rd and 4th.  Somehow, my super secret strategy worked and I finished amazingly in first.  I will be reaching out to thise who won after I post this.  I hope all return for 2020 as I am excited about this upcoming season with new talent moving up and the new sponsor model moving in.
   If anyone looking at this is interested in joining the pool, please let me know by email and I can fill you in.  It's cheap and makes watching the race a little more exciting rooting for your pick!

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