Nascar Cup Series

Nascar Cup Series
Nascar Cup Series

Monday, March 3, 2014

Nascar... A History... Part 1 "In the Beginning"

     Well, this is something I have been working on for like at least 20 years.  Well before the internet made things easy for looking all this stuff up.  Just the same, it took me a long time to compile this little list of Nascar history, so I figured since I have this website, I would make it available for everyone to view.  If anyone has any questions or sees any errors in any of this please let me know, so that I may research it and maybe change it.
     In parenthesis is the make of the automobile:
L = Lincoln
O = Oldsmobile
M = Mercury
F = Ford
P = Pontiac
H = Hudson
N = Nash
STUD = Studebaker
Ch = Chrysler
B = Buick
C = Chevrolet
JAG = Jaguar
CA = Cadillac
D = Dodge
PLY = Plymouth
MAT = Matador
T = Toyota
    In the beginning, races weren't named like today, so the first part of this is the race name or like below: Srickly Stock Race 1
    Then follows the location of the race, the date and the winner and his/her car manufacturer.
    The average speed of the race follows with the number of victories for that particular driver.
    The next column represents qualifying.  Pole winner, manufacturer and number of poles for that driver are in parenthesis.  Pole speed is next with type of track raced on (dirt or paved).

    I hope that this is all easier to view than for me to explain.
Enjoy. More to come.

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