Nascar Cup Series

Nascar Cup Series
Nascar Cup Series

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Results From Homestead - Ford EcoBoost 400

   Well, what an eventful end to the season.  Gary was 4 points out of second,  Mark was 10 points out of 3rd.  Mark's team failed to realize he was in the hunt for the final money spot, and let James finish in third.  The big news was that Gary scored almost 60 points more than Brian to win his third championship in a row.  Remember boys and girls, I do not think that even when Colleen was running this pool, anyone ever won two in a row, and Gary here has won three.  I hope he realizes, he will not be allowed to participate in next years pool as a courtesy to everyone else.
   John M. held on to win the 1/2 pool, in spite of pretty much everyone having a terrible week.  Debbie, moved up a spot to cash in third, knocking John M out of third.
   Congrats to all who played this year.  If you could let me know as soon as possible if you will be back next season in the big pool, that would be great.  Also, if everyone could ask around, and get some people into the half pool, that would be great too.
   Even though I have Nascar Pool Burnout, I am already eagerly waiting for next season to begin.
Adios for now,

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