Nascar Cup Series

Nascar Cup Series
Nascar Cup Series

Monday, July 6, 2015

Results From Sonoma - Toyota / Save Mart 350

   Sorry guys, got a lot going on these days.  But without further ado, here are the standings from the road course race that I didn't even see one lap of.  What I can tell you is that Brian had a real good week, followed closely by Mark and myself.  James did not have a good week and lost the lead to me again.  Gary cannot seem to get his team together, and 632 points out seems to be a hole that ole "3 time" might not be able to get out of.  At least we know for sure who is picking first at the half (which is the 18th at 1:00 to remind everyone again).
   In the half pool, Debbie and Janice making up lots of ground and are 3rd and 4th in the standings.  Blaster falls from third to sixth by picking Carl Edwards (don't know what happened there.
  Hope you all were able to stay up nice and late last night for the Coke Zero 400 from Daytona.  Nice bit of fireworks at the end of that race.  Keep it here to see my results for that race in the next few days.

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