Nascar Cup Series

Nascar Cup Series
Nascar Cup Series

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Atlanta Results

     Sunday night's AdvoCare 500 from Atlanta had much in the way of drama.  After this race there is only one more race before the Chase begins, so it was time for teams to do their thing and get themselves into the top 10 or at the very least get a win to get that wild card position.  The race saw some great action on a worn race track (one of two that have not been repaved since '97) and some high speeds.  The speeds did hurt some engines, notably Bowyer, Hamlin and Keselowski.  Jeff Gordon, who really needed to win this race, spun his tires on an early restart and really bunched up the field behind him, hurting his teammates Kahne and Johnson the most with front end damage.  So the pool standings didn't change, but Brian, with Gilliland, somehow manages to hang in there in first.  James had a great week but us bottom three just suck.  With eleven races to go, I am starting to not like my chances.
   In the half pool, only 3 people had good weeks, while everyone else sort of tanked.  Mark, who I did praise the other week (lesson learned) sunk four spots while Ted and I climbed two.  Looking at Bryan M.'s scores, I wondered who, since I have been running this has had a worse average finish.  Look for that stat to pop up soon.  Sorry Bryan.
   Well, it's off to Richmond this week.  I will post any pictures I take from the infield there right here next week.  Good luck to all and I hope everyone's favorite driver makes the cut.


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