Nascar Cup Series

Nascar Cup Series
Nascar Cup Series

Monday, October 14, 2013

Results From Kansas

Hello Everyone,
   I know I am a bit late for this posting, but I have been under the weather and just didn't feel like sitting here and typing to you. No excuses... right.  Anyway, better late than never.  Kansas, after this race, look for any other driver but Kyle Busch to be in that 18 car. If Newman hadn't wrecked, Colleen would be right there in it for third.  She still is clawing her way to the top still.  If I could gain about 32 points per the next few races and Mark a wee bit more, we might be right there too.  I know, wishful thinking.
     Half pool news:
Joe is back on top in front of John.  Everyone else is fighting for 3rd (except for maybe 10th on back.... sorry guys).
    On to Charlotte everybody...... this just in..... that race is already done.

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